Promotion in Romania
Updated: 18.01.2019
Author: Cristina Blajin
Summary of support schemes
- Quota system. In Romania, the main means of promotion is a quota system based on quota obligations, tradable certificates, and minimum and maximum prices. Electricity suppliers and producers are obliged to present a certain number (or quota) of green certificates (art. 8 par. 2 Law No. 220/2008 as referred to in art. 1 par. 6 Emergency Ordinance No. 57/2013). These tradable certificates are allocated to the producers of electricity from renewable sources (art. 6, par.1 Law no. 220/2008 as referred to in art. 1 par. 9 Emergency Ordinance No. 88/2011). The quota system cannot be accessed by new installations since 1 January 2017 any longer.
- Subsidies. The National Rural Development Programme offers subsidy programmes in the agricultural sector: Measure 4 “Investment in physical assets”. These promote amongst others the use of renewable energy sources for the applicants own consumption. Additionally, in April 2017 a state aid scheme has been approved by Government Decision no. 216/2017 to promote energy production from less exploited energy sources, namely biomass, biogas and geothermal energy. The support schem is supported by the Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds, and aims to increase the electricity and thermal energy production from these sources by 60MW until 2023. Starting from 1 January 2019, the Administration of the Environmental Fund will finanace small PV systems up to 90% of the total costs.
The quota system applies to all technologies (art. 3 Law no. 220/2008 as referred to in art. 1 par. 2 Emergency Ordinance No. 88/2011) and installations commissioned before the 1 January 2017.
The measure 4”Investments in physica assets” supports all technology, but only for applicants own consumption generation. The new state aid scheme from April 2017 supports only technologies for less exploited energy sources, namely biomass, biogas and geothermal energy.
Statutory provisions
- Electricity Law (Legea nr. 123/2012, legea energiei electrice si gazelor naturale – Law No. 123/2012 on Electricity and natural gases
- Law No. 127/2014 (Legea nr. 127/2014 pentru modificarea si completarea Legii energiei electrice si a gazelor natural nr. 123/2012 si a Legii petrolului nr. 283/2004 – Law No. 127/2014 regarding the Amendment and Completion of Law No. 123/2012 on Electricity and Natural Gases and of Law No. 283/2004 on Petroleum)
- Law No. 220/2008 (Lege nr. 220/2008 pentru stabilirea sistemului de promovare a producerii energiei din surse regenerabile de energie – Law No. 220/2008 Establishing a System for the Promotion of Electricity Generation from Renewable Sources)
- Emergency Ordinance No. 88/2011 (Ordonanta de Urgenta privind modificarea si completarea Legii nr. 220/2008 pentru stabilirea sistemului de promovare a producerii energiei din surse regenerabile de energie – Emergency Ordinance Amending and Supplementing Law No. 220/2008 Establishing a System for the Promotion of Electricity Generation from Renewable Sources)
- Law No. 134/2012 (Legea 134/2012, legea pentru aprobarea Ordonantei de urgenta a Guvernului nr. 88/2011 privind modificarea si completarea Legii nr. 220/2008 pentru stabilirea sistemului de promovare a producerii energiei din surse regenerabile de energie – Law No. 134/2012 Regarding the approval of Emergency Ordinance No. 88/2011 Amending and Complementing Law No. 220/2008 Establishing a System for the Promotion of Electricity Generation from Renewable Energy Sources)
- Emergency Ordinance No. 57/2013 (Ordonanta de urgent nr. 57/2013 privind modificarea si completarea Legii nr. 220/2008 pentru stabilirea sistemului de promovare a producerii energiei din surse regenerabile de energie - Emergency Ordinance No. 57/2013 Regarding the Modification and Completion of Law No. 220/2008 Establishing a System for the Promotion of Electricity Generation from Renewable Energy Sources)
- Law No. 23/2014 (Legea 23/2014, legea pentru aprobarea Ordonantei de urgenta a Guvernului nr. 57/2013 privind modificarea si completarea Legii nr. 220/2008 pentru stabilirea sistemului de promovare a producerii energiei din surse regenerabile de energie - Law No. 23/2014 on approving Emergency Ordinance No. 57/2013 Regarding the Modification and Completion of Law No. 220/2008 Establishing a System for the Promotion of Electricity Generation from Renewable Energy Sources)
- Governmental Decision No. 994/2013 (Hotararea Guvernului nr. 994/2013 privind aprobarea masurilor de reducere a numarului de certificate verzi in situatiile prevazute la art. 6 alin (2) lit. a), c) si f) din Legea nr. 220/2008 pentru stabilirea sistemului de promovare a producerii energiei din surse regenerabile de energie - Governmental Decision No. 994/2013 approving the measures for reducing the number of Green Certificates in the situations foreseen in art. 6 par. 2 letter a), c) and f) of Law no. 220/2008 establishing a System for the Promotion of Electricity Generation from Renewable Energy Sources)
- Law No. 122/2015 (Lege pentru aprobarea unor masuri in domeniul promovarii producerii energiei electrice din surse regenerabile de energie si privind modificarea si completarea unor acte normative – Law No. 122/2015 for the approval of certain measures regarding the promotion of the production of electricity from renewable energy sources and regarding the modification and completion of certain normative acts)
- Decision No. 1014/2016 (Hotararea Guvernului Nr. 1014/2016 pentru aprobarea cotei de energie electrica produsa din surse regenerabile de energie care beneficiaza de sistemul de promovare prin certificate verzi pentru anul 2017 - Governmental Decision No. 1014/2016 approving the annual quota for electricity generated from renewable energy sources for 2017 which benefit from the Green Certificate Scheme)
- Decree No. 8/2017 (Ordin Nr. 8/2017 privind aprobarea valorilor-limita de tranzactionare a certificatelor verzi si a contravalorii unui certificate verde neachizitionat- Decree No. 8/2017 on actualising the limiting values for the transaction of green certificates and the value of non-purchased green certificates)
- Governmental Decision No. 495/2014 (Hotararea guvernului Nr. 495/2014 pentru instituirea unei scheme de ajutor de stat privind exceptarea unor categorii de consumatori finali de la aplicarea Legii nr. 220/2008 pentru stabilirea sistemului de promovare a producerii energiei din surse regenerabile de energie - Governmental Decision No. 495/2014 for establishing a support scheme with regard to the exemption of certain categories of final consumers from the application of the Law No. 220/2008 establishing a system for the promotion of Electricity Generation from Renewable Energy Sources)
- Governmental Decision No. 1104/2014 (Hotararea Guvernului Nr. 1104/2014 privind modificarea si completarea Hotararii Guvernului nr. 495/2014 pentru instituirea unei scheme de ajutor de stat privind exceptarea unor categorii de consumatori finali de la aplicarea Legii nr. 220/2008 pentru stabilirea sistemului de promovare a producerii energiei din surse regenerabile de energie - Governmental Decision No. 1104/2014 regarding the amendment and completion of the Governmental Decision Nr. 495/2014 for establishing a support scheme with regard to the exemption of certain categories of final consumers from the application of the Law No. 220/2008 establishing a system for the promotion of Electricity Generation from Renewable Energy Sources)
- Governmental Decision No. 113/2016 (Hotararea Guvernului Nr. 113/2016 privind modificarea alin. si completarea Hotararii Guvernului nr. 495/2014 pentru instituirea unei scheme de ajutor de stat privind exceptarea unor categorii de consumatori finali de la aplicarea Legii nr. 220/2008 pentru stabilirea sistemului de promovare a producerii energiei din surse regenerabile de energie - Governmental Decision No. 113/2016 regarding the amendment and completion of the Governmental Decision Nr. 495/2014 for establishing a support scheme with regard to the exemption of certain categories of final consumers from the application of the Law No. 220/2008 establishing a system for the promotion of Electricity Generation from Renewable Energy Sources)
- Call for Proposals – Measure 4 (Fisa masurii 4 “Invstitii in active fizice” – Measure 4 “Investments in physical assets”)
- Emergency Ordinance No. 24/2017 (Ordonanta de urgenta nr. 24/2017 privind modificarea si completarea Legii nr. 220/2008 pentru stabilirea sistemului de promovare a producerii energiei din surse regenerabile de energie si pentru modificarea unor acte normative - Emergency Ordinance No. 24/2017 Regarding the Modification and Completion of Law No. 220/2008 Establishing a System for the Promotion of Electricity Generation from Renewable Energy Sources)
- Decree No. 157/2018 (Metodologia de stabilire a cotei anuale obligatorii de achizitie de certificate verzi din 27.07.2018 – Methodology for defining the obligatory annual quota aquisition of Green Certificates from 27.07.2018)
- Government Decision no. 216/2017 (Hotararea nr. 216/2017 privind aprobarea schemei de ajutor de stat avand ca obiectiv sprijinirea investitiilor destinate promovarii productiei de energie din surse regenerabile mai putin exploatate, respectiv biomasa, biogaz, energie geotermala - Government Decision no. 216/2017 approving a state aid scheme for investments promoting energy production from less exploited renewable energy resources, namely biomass, biogas and geothermal energy)
- Law no. 184/2018 (Legea nr. 184/2018 pentru aprobarea Ordonanței de urgență a Guvernului nr. 24/2017 privind modificarea și completarea Legii nr. 220/2008 pentru stabilirea sistemului de promovare a producerii energiei din surse regenerabile de energie și pentru modificarea unor acte normative - Law no. 184/2018 for the approval of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 24/2017 regarding the amendment and completion of the Law no. 220/2008 establishing the system for the promotion of energy production from renewable energy sources and for the amendment of some normative acts)
- Order No. 1287/2018 (Ordinul nr. 1287/2018 pentru aprobarea Ghidului de finantare a Programului privind instalarea sistemelor de panouri fotovoltaice pentru producerea de energie electrica, in vederea acoperirii necesarului de consum si livrării surplusului in reteaua nationala - Order No. 1287/2018 on approving the financing guide for the installation of photovoltaic systems for the production of electricity in order to cover the houshold’s consumtion needs and sell surplus to the national grid)