Ordinance 112/2016

Updated: 19.12.2017

Name (orig)

Ordinul nr. 112/2016 privind aprobarea tarifelor specific pentru serviciul de distributie a energiei electrice si a pretulu pentru energia electrica reactiva, pentru Filiala de Distributie a Energiei Electrice “Electrica Distributie Muntenia Nord” S.A.

Name (English)

Ordinance No. 112/2016 Regarding the approval of the specific tariffs for the distribution service of electric energy and of the tariffs for reactive electric energy for the distribution system operator carried out by the principal distribution system operators

Full name

Ordinul nr. 112/2016 privind aprobarea tarifelor specific pentru serviciul de distributie a energiei electrice si a pretulu pentru energia electrica reactiva, pentru Filiala de Distributie a Energiei Electrice “Electrica Distributie Muntenia Nord” S.A.

Entry into force



The ordinance determins the fees and prices for the distribution of electricity including the electricity produces from renewable energy sources.

Relevance for renewable energy

The ordinance determins the fees and prices for the distribution of electricity including the electricity produces from renewable energy sources.


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