Law no. 184/2018

Name (orig)

Legea nr. 184/2018 pentru aprobarea Ordonantei de urgenta a Guvernului nr. 24/2017 privind modificarea si completarea Legii nr. 220/2008 pentru stabilirea sistemului de promovare a producerii energiei din surse regenerabile de energie si pentru modificarea unor acte normative

Name (English)

Law no. 184/2018 for the approval of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 24/2017 regarding the amendment and completion of the Law no. 220/2008 establishing the system for the promotion of energy production from renewable energy sources and for the amendment of some normative acts

Entry into force



Approves the Governmental Emergency Ordinance No.24/2017 which amends the country’s renewable energy Law No.220/2008 and amends some other normative acts

Relevance for renewable energy

The Law brings some fundamental changes to the renewable energy Law No. 220/2008 such as: introducing the “prosumer” term and estabslihshing some legal provisions regarding the green certificates acquisition quota


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