Law No. 122/2015

Updated: 19.12.2017

Name (orig)

Legea nr. 122/2015 pentru aprobarea unor masuri in domeniul promovarii producerii energiei electrice din surse regenerabile de energie si privind modificarea si completarea unor acte normative

Name (English)

Law No. 122/2015 for the approval of certain measures regarding the promotion of the production of electricity from renewable energy sources and regarding the modification and completion of certain normative acts

Entry into force



The new law introduces completing measures to the Law 220/2008

Relevance for renewable energy

In addition to the existing Law 220/2008 regulating the promotion of electricity from renewable energy sources and the Romanian green certificates quota system, this law establishes new accreditation rules for power plants > 250 MW, opens the GC system also to imported RES-E and introduces among others also bilateral contracts for power plants < 3 MW


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