Portugal: Summary
Updated: 06.02.2019
Support schemes
In Portugal, electricity from renewable energy plants registered until 7 November 2012 is promoted through a feed-in tariff. Since then, support to new RES plants can be provided through a general regime, i.e. Wholesale Electricity Market (in Portuguese MIBEL), or under the guaranteed remuneration system. The latter is contingent upon the capacity allocated through public tender initiative. Yet, tender rules have never been published, nor has any auction initiative been launched. The unique remuneration regime for electricity produced from small production installations (UPP) and for self-consumption (UPAC), came into force in January 2015 and is based on a bidding model in which producers offer discounts to a reference tariff.
More about support schemesGrid issues
Connection to the grid shall be granted according to the principle of non-discrimination and priority shall be given to electricity produced from renewable energy sources. As a rule, plant operators are not entitled to development of the grid. Yet, the grid operator has the general obligation to develop his grid and prepare a Transmission Grid Development and Investment Plan (PDIRT).
More about grid issuesPolicies
In Portugal, the government created a fund to finance research and projects on innovation and technological development in the field of renewable energy, as well as to support campaigns raising awareness on RES issues. With regards to policies in the building sector, the obligation to use solar thermal collectors for heating water and other regulations on the certification of performance and durability of installations and components are in place. In addition, training programmes for installers of RES plants are already part of the education system.
More about policies