Name (orig) | Prosument |
Name (English) | SYSTEM – Support for environmental protection and water management by external partners, part 3) Prosumer - Financing for purchase and installation of micro-installations of renewable energy sources |
Full name | SYSTEM - Wsparcie działań ochrony środowiska i gospodarki wodnej realizowanych przez partnerów zewnętrznych, część 3) Prosument - linia dofinansowania z przeznaczeniem na zakup i montaż mikroinstalacji odnawialnych źródeł energii |
Entry into force | 01.01.2015 |
Last amended on | 01.01.2017 |
Purpose | Reduction or avoidance of CO2 emissions as a result of increased generation of energy from renewable sources, through the purchase and installation of small installations or microinstallations of renewable energy sources, for the production of electricity or heat for individuals and housing communities or cooperatives. |
Relevance for renewable energy | The programme part supports small and micro-installations of renewable energy. |