Use of the grid

Updated: 10.01.2019

Author: Krzysztof Ignaciuk

Pursuant to RES-Act, Art. 116.3, the Order of 18/05/2017 specifies the conditions for the obligation of priority purchase of heat from renewable installations. The obligation to purchase applies to heat, which is bid at a price no higher than the average price of heat from other sources supplying the network, increased by the average annual price index of consumer goods and services for the last calendar year, specified in the communication of the President of the Central Statistical Office. Should the above-mentioned price index be negative, the obligation to purchase heat applies to heat, which is offered at a price no higher than the average price of heat from other sources supplying the network. Where heat is generated in an installation in which biomass, biogas, biogas or biogas or agricultural biogas are combusted together with other fuels, the purchase obligation applies only to the share of the heat generated corresponding to the energy value of biomass, bioliquids, biogas or agricultural biogas in the total energy value of all fuels used to generate heat in this installation.


Process flow

No provisions


No provisions

Obligation to inform

No provisions

Priority to renewable energy

  • Priority to renewable energy
  • Non-discrimination

Heating network operators are obliged to give heat generated from renewable energy sources priority of purchase without prejudice to the minimization of heat losses in the connecting network (Order of 18/05/2017, Art. 3).

Distribution of costs


Costs are borne by end users.

Distribution mechanism

No provisions


Basic information on legal sources