Grid development

Updated: 09.01.2019

Author: Krzysztof Ignaciuk

The grid operator is obliged to ensure that the construction and development of the grid is implemented and sufficiently funded. This obligation also applies where the connection of a plant requires the grid to be developed (Art. 7 par. 5 Energy Law). If the grid operator refused the connection of a plant using renewable energy sources because of the lack of technical conditions resulting from a lack of necessary grid capacity at the time requested by the applicant, the grid operator shall set the date and necessary conditions for developing or upgrading the grid, and set a new deadline for the connection of the plant (Art. 7 par. 8d2 Energy Law).



The statutory law does not specify deadlines for the grid development. However, the grid operator shall set the date of developing or upgrading the grid, and set a deadline for the connection of the plant (Art. 7 par. 8d2 Energy Law).

Distribution of costs

There are no special regulations on the distribution of the cost of grid development. The costs of grid development are determined in pursuance of the general provisions of Art. 45 par. 1 No. 2 of the Energy Law, for covering reasonable costs incurred by the transmission and distribution system operators in connection with the execution of their duties.

Grid studies

The transmission and distribution grid operator shall, for the area of their operations prepare a development plan for meeting the present and future demand for energy, for a period of not less than three years (Art. 16 par. 1 Energy Law). The draft of this plan shall be agreed with the President of the Energy Regulatory Office (Art. 16 par. 13 Energy Law).

The transmission grid operator shall draw up a development plan for meeting current and future demand for electricity for a period of 10 years. The plan for the demand for electricity shall be updated every 3 years (Art. 16 par. 2 Energy Law).

The distribution grid operator shall draw up a development plan for meeting current and future demand for electricity for a period of not less than five years. The plan for the demand for electricity shall be updated every 3 years (Art. 16 par. 4 Energy Law). The Plan for high-voltage grids and additional information are available at the website of the Polish transmission system operator:


Further information

Basic information on legal sources