Moldova: Summary

Updated: 18.01.2019

Author: Cristina Blajin

The support schemes for promoting the renewable energy sources are defined by the new law on renewable energies (Law No. 10/2016) which came into force on 25 March 2018. According to the new law, electricity from renewable sources is mainly promoted through a feed-in-tariff support scheme. Two different procedures will be used to select the plants which shall benefit from the feed-in-tariff, depending on the size of the power plant. For power plants with a capacity higher than the capacity (MW) limits defined by the Government for each technology, a tender system will be used to select the projects based on the bidding price per 1 kWh. As of December 2018, no announcement was made regarding the tender calendar for 2019. For power plants with a capacity between 10 kW and the capacity (MW) limit defined by the Government, a predefined feed-in-tariff will be applicable upon qualifying as eligible producers. The predefined feed-in-tariff is calculated every year for each technology individually. Moreover, according to the new law, consumers that produce electricity for self-consumption from installations with a capacity below 200 kW, will benefit from a net-metering support scheme.  

More about support schemes More about grid issues

Further information

  • ANRE – Agentia Nationala pentru Reglementare in Energetica a Republicii Moldova – Moldavian National Energy Regulatory Authority
  • +373 22 85 29 01
  • ANRE website
  • anre(at)