Subsidy I (Solar Water Heaters)

Updated: 05.02.2019

Author: Jörn Banasiak

The Ministry for Energy and Water Management allocates once-only grants for solar water heating systems to private householders (No. 1 GN 529/2018). The scheme has been extended up to 31 December 2019 (GN 1510/2018).

Eligible technologies

Only solar water heaters in private households are eligible.

Solar thermal energy

Solar energy is eligible only if generated by systems in Malta (No. 2 CALL 2018/SWH/National Guidelines).


The amount of grant for solar water heaters amounts to 50% of eligible costs and up to a maximum of EUR 700 (1st Schedule GN 529/2018).


Entitled party. The persons entitled to subsidies for solar water heating systems are those persons who are at least 18 years of age on the day of application residents of Malta and have installed a solar water heating system for domestic use (No. 1, 2 CALL 2018/SWH/National Guidelines).

Obligated party. The obligated party is the state of Malta, which is represented by the Regulator for Energy and Water Services (No. 1 CALL 2018/SWH/National Guidelines).


Process flow

Competent authority

Regulator for Energy & Water Services (REWS)

Distribution of costs


The costs arising from the grants are borne by the state.


Further information

  • Regulator for Energy & Water Services
  • +356 2295 5000
  • REWS website