Feed-in tariff

Updated: 05.02.2019

Author: Jörn Banasiak

A feed-in tariff (FiT) is paid for the production of renewable electricity from solar PV installations. 

Eligible technologies

Only PV installations are eligible (Art. 3 SL 545.27).

Solar energy

Eligible for photovoltaic installations with a maximum capacity up to 1,000 kWp, installed in residential or domestic premises, non-residential or institutional households (Art. 3 SL 545.27).


The feed-in tariff is paid per kWh of electricity generated and exported to the grid by solar PV installations with a capacity up to 1 MWp (2nd Schedule LN 2/2019).

Solar energy

Between 2 January and 30 December 2019, the following feed-in tariff is applicable:


  • € 0.155 per kWh of electricity generated and exported to the grid by a PV installation which did not benefit from any form of grant or subsidy and having an installed capacity of more than 1 kWp but less than 40 kWp (2nd Schedule LN 200/2019).
  • € 0.1405 per kWh of electricity generated and exported to the grid by a PV installation which did not benefit from any form of grant or subsidy and having an installed capacity of more than 40 kWp but less than 1 MWp (2nd Schedule LN 200/2019).


Entitled party. The persons entitled are the operators of PV installations.

Obligated party. Enemalta plc - distribution grid operator (4th schedule SL 545.27).


Process flow

The installer files a request with the Malta Resource Authority (Art. 2 SL423.46). Participation to the FIT scheme is determined on a first-come first-served basis (1st Schedule Art. 4 SL 545.27).

Competent authority

Regulator for Energy & Water Services (REWS)


Each kWp installed shall be attributed a generation of 1600 kWh per annum (1st Schedule Art. 4 SL 545.27).

Electricity exceeding the threshold is paid at the applicable electricity rate (Art. 6 SL 545.27).

The maximum electricity generated by PV installations allocated per annum for FiT payment is 12.8 GWh (8.0 MWp) for installations with a capacity between 1 kWp and 40 kWp and 40.0 GWh (25 MWp) for installations with a capacity between 40 kWp and 1 MWp (2nd Schedule LN 2/2019).

Eligibility period

The feed-in tariff shall be allocated for a period of guaranteed payment of 20 years for installations of any type of premises (2nd Schedule SL 545.27).


Further information

  • Regulator for Energy & Water Services
  • +356 2295 5000
  • REWS website

Basic information on legal sources