Use of the grid

Updated: 05.02.2019

Author: Jörn Banasiak

Plant operators are statutory entitled against the grid operator to use the grid. Moreover, electricity from renewable energy sources shall be granted priority transmission.


Process flow

Plant operators are statutory entitled against the grid operator to use the grid (Art. 13 SL 545.13).

Competent authority

Enemalta plc (DSO), Regulator for Energy & Water Services (REWS)


The regulations do not specify any deadlines with regard to grid use.

Priority to renewable energy

  • Priority to renewable energy
  • Non-discrimination

Electricity from renewable energy sources shall be granted priority transmission (Art. 13(4) SL 545.13).


The grid operator is not obliged to grant priority dispatch where the security and reliability of the grid is at risk (Art. 13(4) SL 545.13). Where the grid operator has to shut down power stations due to capacity shortage, he has to avoid shutting down renewable energy plants wherever possible (Art. 13(4) SL 545.13).

Distribution of costs

Grid operator

The costs of use of the grid are borne by the grid operator.

Distribution mechanism

Statutory law does not provide for a cost distribution mechanism.


Further information

Basic information on legal sources