Connection to the grid

Updated: 09.01.2019

Author: Ivana Naydenova

According to the Energy Law, the electricity transmission or distribution system operators shall provide priority access to renewable electricity plants, provided that the RES plant operators meet the conditions for connection and the stability of the electricity grid is not threatened.


Process flow

The entities applying for grid connection shall submit a grid connection application to the relevant transmission or distribution system operator.

If the grid operator approves, both parties sign a contract on grid connection which shall include among others the following:

1) technical terms and conditions for the connection;

2) connection charge to be settled by the user;

3) connection deadline;

4) obligations of energy system operator.

The decision on connection approval shall cease to be valid when the connection construction has not been initiated within the deadline set in the grid connection contract (art. 170 par. 1-4 Energy Law).


The deadlines are set in the respective grid connection contract (art. 170 par. 4 Energy Law).

Priority to renewable energy

  • Priority to renewable energy
  • Non-discrimination

The electricity transmission or distribution system operators shall provide priority access to renewable electricity plants, taking into account the limitations arising from the operational possibilities of the power system (art. 163 par. 1 Energy Law).

Distribution of costs

Grid operator

The Energy Regulatory Commission shall oblige the relevant energy system operator to cover the grid connection costs of preferential generators, i.e. renewable energy producers (art. 169 par. 2 Energy Law).


Further information

  • Ministry of Economy - Unit for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy – Министерство за економиja на Република Македониja - Секторот за енергетика
  • Violeta Keckarovska
  • +389 2 3093 531
  • Ministry website
  • info(at)
  • Energy Regulatory Commission of the Republic of Macedonia (ERC) – Регулаторна комисиja за енергетика на Република Македониja
  • +389 23233580
  • Commission website
  • erc(at)

Basic information on legal sources