RES-H building obligations

Updated: 19.02.2019

Author: Stijn Anciaux

Grand Ducal decree of 23 July 2016 stipulates that from 1 January 2017 onwards, each new construction of buildings in Luxembourg must correspond to a building whose energy consumption is almost zero (NZEB = Nearly Zero Energy Building). In general, the NZEB corresponds to the AAA energy classes. (Art. 1, RGD du 23 juillet 2016). The regulation takes into consideration renewable energies used for heat and cooling purposes as well as for the production of sanitary hot water. This includes the use of biomass as well as solar, geothermal and aerothermal energy (Annex, RGD du 23 juillet 2016).

Obligated entities

The Grand Ducal decree concerns residential and functional buildings.

Competent authority

Energy efficiency and energetic performance in buildings, which involve the use of renewable energies, are a competence of the Ministry of Economics.

Further information

More information on the energetic performance of buildings can be found on the website of the Ministry of Economics under:

Obligation on regional level

No obligations on the regional level.


Further information

  • Ministère de l’Economie, Département des petites et moyennes enterprises (PME) et entrepreneuriat - Ministry of Economics, Department of Small and Medium Enterprises and Entrepreneurship
  • +352 247 84 71 5
  • website
  • info.pme(at)

Basic information on legal sources