Tender (Prime de marché)

Updated: 19.02.2019

Author: Stijn Anciaux

The Minister of the Economy launches the first call for tenders which concerns the realization and the operation of new photovoltaic energy plants. The call for tender is established based on the Grand-Ducal Regulation of 1 August 2014 relating to the production of electricity based on renewable energy sources and in particular Articles 27bis, 27ter and 27quater.

The first call for tender was launched in 2018 and concerned 2 different lots with a maximum capacity of 10mW. 

Eligible technologies

The winners of the tender benefit of a market premium contract during fifteen years.
Only solar energy is eligible under the tender scheme.

Solar energy

New PV installations with a capacity over 500kW are eligible for the tender scheme.


Process flow

The detailed terms of the call for tenders are described in a terms and conditions. These are sent by email to any person who requests it at the following address: PV@eco.etat.lu

Competent authority

Ministry of Economy


Basic information on legal sources