Subsidy I (PRIMe House)

Updated: 19.02.2019

Author: Stijn Anciaux

Investments in renewable electricity generation are subsidised by the state, which awards investment grants up to a certain maximum. New support conditions were introduced from 1 January 2017 for investments made between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2024, replacing the old PRIMe House regulation. As in the old regulation, only PV installations with a maximum capacity of up to 30 kWp are eligible for subsidy.

Eligible technologies

Only solar energy stays eligible under the new regulation. 

Solar energy

Photovoltaic installations with a capacity less than 30 kWp are eligible (Art. 3, RGD du 23 décembre 2016).


The subsidy for PV installations amounts to 20% of the eligible costs, subject to a maximum of €500 per kWp (Art. 3, RGD du 23 décembre 2016). The following expenses are eligible: PV modules, mounting system, wiring, inverter, electrical protection devices, meter and installation costs (Annex I).


Eligible persons are natural persons, legal entities governed by private law and public corporations (other than the State) (Art. 1, RGD du 23 décembre 2016). 


Process flow

Applications for subsidies shall be submitted by means of a specific form to the environment administration of the Ministry of Environment (Art. 9 RGD du 23 décembre 2016). According to the Grand Ducal Decree of 23 December 2016, subsidies may be applied for investments made between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2024 (Art. 10 RGD du 23 décembre 2016). 

The respective forms can be found on the website of the Ministry of Environment under:

Competent authority

The competent authority is the Ministry of Environment.

Distribution of costs


The subsidies are funded by the Ministry of Environment within the bounds of its available budget (Art. 1, RGD du 23 décembre 2016).


Further information

Basic information on legal sources