Order No. 3D-417/2008

Updated: 19.12.2018

Name (orig)

Biodegalų gamybos plėtros finansavimo taisyklės

Name (English)

Rules on Funding for Developments in Biofuel Productiont, approved by Order No. 3D-417 of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania of 25 July 2008

Full name

Biodegalų gamybos plėtros finansavimo taisyklės, patvirtintos Lietuvos Respublikos žemės ūkio ministro 2008 m. liepos 25 d. įsakymu Nr. 3D-417 (Valstybės žinios, 2008, Nr. 88-3551; 2011, Nr. 78-3848; 2014, Nr. 2014-05602; TAR, 2015, Nr. 14752)

Entry into force


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Establishes rules for the funding of biofuel production.

Relevance for renewable energy

Deals with the reimbursement of the production costs of raw materials associated with the production of biofuels.


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