Law on Heat Sector

Updated: 19.12.2018

Name (orig)

Šilumos ūkio įstatymas

Name (English)

Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Heat Sector

Full name

Lietuvos Respublikos šilumos ūkio įstatymas (Valstybės žinios, 2003, Nr. 51-2254; 2007, Nr. 130-5259; 2010, Nr. 1-6; 2011, Nr. 128-6051; 2013, Nr. 78-3937; TAR, 2015, Nr. 19370)

Entry into force


Last amended on



Sets out rules for state control over the heat sector, activities of heat plant operators, their relations with heat consumers, and their responsibilities.

Relevance for renewable energy

Promotes heat production from renewable energy sources.