Kosovo: Summary
Updated: 10.01.2019
Support schemes
The main scheme supporting renewable energy sources in Kosovo is a feed-in tariff.
More about support schemesGrid issues
The connection of power plants from renewable energy sources is regulated by the Law on Energy, Law on Electricity and Rule on Support Scheme. The grid operator is obliged to connect to his system any power generating plant meeting the conditions for connection (Law on Electricity, Art. 50). Renewable energy is given priority in the assessment of the grid connection application (Rule on Support Scheme, Art. 16 Par. 3). The priority dispatch of electricity from renewable energy sources is also guaranteed, if it does not violate the rules and regulations on system security (Law on Electricity, Art. 16 Par. 1.44). Renewable electricity producers, which benefit from the support scheme should cover 25% of the costs of the imbalance caused (Rule on Support Scheme, Art. 11 Par. 1.2).
More about grid issues