Connection to the grid

Updated: 10.01.2019

Author: Tim Sternkopf

The grid operator is obliged to connect to his system any producer of electricity in compliance with the general rules and conditions (Law on Electricity, Art. 7 Par. 2.2 and Art. 50). Renewable energy producers have the same obligations as other producers concerning the use of the grid, generation planning and nomination (Law on Electricity, Art. 8 Par. 10). The Rule on Support Scheme stipulates that TSO and DSO shall give priority to the grid connection applications submitted by the producers generating electricity from renewable energy sources (Rule on Support Scheme, Art. 16 Par. 3). 


Process flow

To be connected to the grid, a plant operator has to sign a written agreement with the grid operator, fulfil technical conditions and  have paid all amounts due in the agreement for the connection (Law on Electricity, Art. 50 Par. 2).

If the plant does not meet the technical norms or other conditions prescribed in the technical codes, the grid operator may refuse the connection. In this case, the plant operator must be informed in writing of such a decision and of the reasons for this refusal. The plant operator has a right to appeal against such decision to the Energy Regulatory Office. If the Energy Regulatory Office decides on an appeal in favour of plant operator, the grid operator shall connect the plant without delay or by any date specified by the Energy Regulatory Office (Law on Electricity, Art. 45).

Priority to renewable energy

  • Priority to renewable energy
  • Non-discrimination

Renewable energy is given priority in regards to grid connection application (Rule on Support Scheme, Art. 15 Par. 13, Art. 16 Par. 3). The Energy Regulator should ensure that the transmission and distribution fees do not discriminate against renewable energy producers (Law on Energy, Art. 14 Par. 5). 

Capacity limits (quantitative criteria)

The grid operator may refuse the connection if the necessary grid capacity is not provided, based on justified technical and economic criteria (Law on Electricity, Art. 45 Par. 1).

Distribution of costs

Plant operator

The plant operator wishing to connect his plant to the grid bears the costs of grid connection. The grid operator is obliged to provide a comprehensive and detailed estimate of the connection costs to the renewable energy plant operator. The charge shall reflect reasonable costs (Law on Energy, Art. 14 Par. 2 and 3).


Further information