Support of RES-H infrastructure I (Fondo di garanzia per il teleriscaldamento – Guarantee fund for district heating)

Updated: 07.02.2019

Author: Jasmin Schwarz

A guarantee fund supporting the development of district heating networks is in place within the “Cassa conguaglio” for the electricity sector. An additional fee of € 0.05/Sm3 (a standard measurement unit under specific conditions of pressure and temperature) is applied to the consumption of natural gas (Art. 22 DL 28/11).


In general to the development of district heating networks. Specific subjects who can take advantage of the fund are not indicated in the law.

Competent authority

Regulatory Authority for Energy, Grids and Environment (ARERA)

Further information


Further information

  • Autorità di Regolazione per Energia, Reti e Ambiente (ARERA) - Regulatory Authority for Energy, Grids and Environment (ARERA)
  • +392655651
  • website
  • info(at)

Basic information on legal sources