Tax regulation mechanisms I (Reduction in value-added tax)

Updated: 07.02.2019

Author: Jasmin Schwarz

Since 1993, Italy has promoted the generation of electricity from wind and solar energy through a reduction of 10% on the value-added tax (l'aliquota agevolata del 10 per cento) for deliveries and services related to investments in wind power plants and solar energy installations and investments in grids that distribute this electricity.

Eligible technologies

Investments in wind power plants and solar energy installations and investments in grids that distribute this electricity are eligible (Art. 127-quinquies DPR 633/72, table A).

Wind energy


Solar energy



The reduced value-added tax rate is 10 % (instead of 20 %).


Entitled party. The entities entitled are private individuals (Art. 1 DPR 633/72).


Process flow

The entitled parties will be directly charged with the lower VAT.

Distribution of costs


The reduced VAT rate on deliveries and services related to investments in renewable energy plants leads to a lower state revenue, which is compensated for by other revenue.


Further information

Basic information on legal sources