Promotion in Ireland


Updated: 08.01.2019

Author: Georgios Maroulis

Summary of support schemes

The Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariff (REFIT) schemes supported various renewable electricity generation technologies until 31 December 2015. The entities entitled to the feed-in tariff were those suppliers that purchased electricity from renewable sources from generators with whom they had entered into a commercially negotiated REFIT Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). This regulatory system incentivised the generation of electricity from renewable sources.

Apart from that, the “Solar PV Pilot Scheme” foresees a subsidy for the purchase and installation of a battery storage system. 


Ireland first announced the REFIT scheme in 2006 to promote the construction of wind energy, biomass and hydro plants. The scheme, now called ‘REFIT 1’ to distinguish it from the other schemes, obtained state aid clearance in 2007 and allowed new applications to be accepted until 31 December 2009. Subsequently, two new schemes (REFIT 2 and REFIT 3) obtained state aid clearance and were opened in 2012 for new applications. REFIT 2 covered small and large scale onshore wind plants, small hydro installations (≤ 5MW), and biomass landfill gas plants whereas REFIT 3 covered only biomass technologies. Both schemes covered new projects built and operational between 2010 and 2015. The closing date for applications for REFIT 2 and REFIT 3 was on 31 December 2015. Under the “Solar PV Pilot Scheme” PV and battery storage is eligible for support.

Statutory provisions

  • ERA (Electricity Regulation Act 1999)
  • REFIT 1 (Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariff 2006)
  • S.I. 158/2012 (Sustainable Energy Act 2002 (Section 8(2) Conferral of additional functions - Renewable Energy) Order2012).
  • REFIT 2 (Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariff 2012)
  • REFIT 3 (Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariff 2012)
  • S.I. 483/2014 - European Union (Renewable Energy) Regulations 2014
  • “Solar PV Pilot Scheme” Guide


Further information

  • Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources (DCENR)
  • +353 167 82 000
  • DCENR website
  • Revenue Commissioners (Revenue): Irish Tax and Customs
  • +353 1 702 3011
  • Revenue website