Hungary: Summary

Updated: 07.01.2019

Author: John Szabo

Support schemes

Support for the use of renewable energy sources for generating heat is currently provided by subsidy pro-grammes under the Environmental and Energy Efficiency Operative Programme (EEEOP) (‘Környezet és Ener-giahatékonysági Operatív Program’ – KEHOP) and other operative programmes financed through European Un-ion funds in conjunction with funds provided by the Hungarian government. Furthermore, favourable loans are granted within the Economic Development Innovation Operative Programme (EDIOP) (‘Gazdaságfejlesztési és Innovációs Operativ Program’ - GINOP).

More about support schemes


The following policies aim at promoting the installation, usage and distribution of RES-installations in Hungary. There are vocational trainings with some and limited relevance for RES-installations. Furthermore, there is a recommendation in place for considering the use of renewable energy sources in new buildings. This recom-mendation will turn into an obligation according to the standards set by the government for all buildings opera-tionalised after 31 December 2020, but will already be applicable to authority owned or used buildings opera-tionalised after 31 December 2018. Policies on certification programmes for RES installation and on the support of RES-H infrastructure are mainly provided in the Environment and Energy Efficiency Operational Programme and the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme. 

More about policies

Further information

  • Magyar Energetikai és Közműszabályozási Hivatal (MEKH) - Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (HEA)
  • +36 459 7777
  • MEKH website
  • mekh(at)
  • Építésügyi Minöségellenörzö Innovációs Nonprofit KFT. (ÉMI) – Non-profit Limited Liability Company for Quality Control and Innovation in Building
  • +36 1 372 6100
  • ÉMI website
  • info(at)