Government Decree No. 299/2017. (X. 17.)

Updated: 07.01.2019

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Name (English)

Government Decree No. 299/2017. (X. 17.) on the feed-in tariff for renewable electrici-ty and the premium tariff

Full name

299/2017. (X. 17) Korm. rendelet a megújuló energiaforrásból termelt villamos energia kötelező átvételi és prémium típusú támogatásáról

Entry into force


Last amended on



Determines basic prices for the feed-in tariff as well as the premium tariff and designates the authority competent to define the supported amount of electricity on an individual basis.

Relevance for renewable energy

The decree replaces parts of the feed-in tariff decree 389/2007 which remains valid for applications before 31 December 2016. The new decree sets the amount of the feed-in tariff as well as the premium tariff (“green premium) for plants not subject to obligatory tendering procedures (between 50 kW and 1 MW, except for wind power plants). Operations with a capacity of 0.5-1 MW are obliged to apply for a premium tariff, installations with 50 kW-0.5 MW can indicate whether they choose the feed-in or the market premium tariff. The base prices for the feed-in tariff and the market premium are identical. In general, the tariffs are not technology-specific, except for solar power. On 20 October 2017, the successive tariff for biogas and biomass plants (“brown premium”) was introduced in the framework of this Decree.


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