Decree No. 8/2006

Updated: 07.01.2019

Name (orig)

8/2006. (III. 23.) OM rendelet

Name (English)

Education Ministry Decree No. 8/2006. (III. 23.) on the requirements for initiat-ing vocational trainings as well as infor-mation points of regional integrated vocational training centres

Full name

8/2006. (III. 23.) OM rendelet a szakképzés megkezdésének és foly-tatásának feltételeiről, valamint a térségi integrált szakképző központ tanácsadó testületéről

Entry into force


Last amended on



The decree stipulates requirements and procedures referring to the initiation of vocational trainings and institutions responsible for these trainings.

Relevance for renewable energy

The procedures and requirements stipulated by this decree refer to voca-tional trainings with relevance for the installation and maintenance of renew-able energy installations as well.


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