Decree No. 39/2015

Updated: 07.01.2019

Name (orig)

39/2015. (IX. 14.) MvM rendelet

Name (English)

Decree of the MvM Hungarian Electricity Ltd. No. 39/2015 (IX. 14.) on the modifi-cation of the determination of buildings’ energy performance by Decree No. 7/2006 (V.24.) of the Ministry without Portfolio

Full name

39/2015. (IX. 14.) MvM rendelet az épületek energetikai jellemzőinek meg-határozásáról szóló 7/2006. (V. 24.) TNM rendelet módosításáról

Entry into force


Last amended on



The decree amends the mechanisms and criteria for determining buildings’ energy performance. Furthermore, it introduces the standards for classified as buildings with almost zero energy needs (‘közel nulla energiaigényű épület’). (6. Annex Decree No. 7/2006.). Every building which will be ready to move in after 31 December 2020 has to meet these standards.

Relevance for renewable energy

The decree defines inter alia the obliga-tory share of RES (at least 25%) to meet the buildings’ energy needs (6. Annex No. 7/2006.).


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