Decision No. 1084/2016 (II.29.)

Updated: 07.01.2019

Name (orig)

A Kormány 1084/2016. (II. 29.) Korm. határozata a Környezeti és Energiahatékonysági Operatív Program 2016. évre szóló éves fejlesztési keretének megállapításáról

Name (English)

Governmental Decision No. 1084/2016 (II.29.) on the Budget for 2016 of the Environment and Energy Efficiency Operational Programme

Entry into force


Last amended on



Disclosure of the annual budget and related funding priorities of the Environment and Energy Effi-ciency Operational Programme (EEEOP).

Relevance for renewable energy

Following the decision, invitations for tenders are supposed to be initiated. The EEEOP covers 5 funding priorities, inter alia the enhancement of energy efficien-cy and the application of renewa-ble energy sources. The decree determines the funding priorities and the funding amount for each of the priorities.


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