Exemplary role of public authorities

Updated: 08.01.2019

Author: John Szabo

The exemplary role of public authorities is currently supported by the Environment and Energy Efficiency Operational Programme (EEEOP) (Decision No. 1084/2016 (II.29.) tenders including:


  • EEEOP 5.2.3. Energetic Refurbishment of religious institutions with the use of renewable energy sources, 13.08 billion (approx. € 40.75 million) 
  • EEEOP 5.2.5. Construction of buildings with almost zero energy needs (model projects), HUF 6.23 billion (approx. € 19.41 million)

The programme applies to projects aiming at increasing the energy efficiency of public buildings with making use of re-newable energy sources. However, similar projects can be found under other operational programmes as well.


Public Institutions 

Competent authority

Ministry for Innovation and Technology, Ministry of Interior (and Ministry of Agriculture)


Further information

Basic information on legal sources