Training programmes for installers

Updated: 08.01.2019

Author: John Szabo

According to the National Renewable Energy Action Plan of 2010 (NREAP) it is intended to create standard national train-ing systems in the vocational specialisation courses for those including:

  • renewable energy manager,
  • renewable energy consultant,
  • green industry. 

The introduction of these vocational training programmes has made slow progress. Only a vocational training programme called ‘Renewable Energy Installations’ Operation’ (Megújuló energiatermelő berendezések üzemeltetője) was intro-duced in 2016 within the National Qualification Register (Decree No. 27/2012).

There are a number of vocational training programmes referring to the installation and maintenance of RES installations, amongst others. Relevant vocational training programmes are as follows:

  • mechanic for gas and heat producing installations (gáz- és hőtermelő berendezésszerelő)
  • fluid extracting technician 
  • installer of energy systems (létesítményi energetikus)

These vocational training programmes are listed in the National Qualification Register (Országos Képzési Jegyzék – OKJ). The content and the modules covered in these vocational training programmes are regulated by Decree No. 27/2012. The exam requirements and general provisions regarding vocational training programmes are regulated by law. Besides na-tional vocational programmes, there are also non-governmental offers which are subject to a fee. For example, the voca-tional school, ‘Oktáv’s’, energy training programme of has completely adapted its educational programme on energy to RES vocational training to that of an OKJ.

In line with the educational programme “LEONARDO Innovation Transfer Programme” and its corresponding sub-programme called “SEE-REUSE” (Strengthening European Education in Renewable Energy Utilization for Sustainable Econ-omy), best practice RES-training programmes (in particular Austrian/German) are planned to be adapted to the Hungarian Qualification Register in 2016 (at the earliest – no concrete date is given). The following vocational programmes have already been prepared for adaptation to the OKJ:

  • Renewable Energy Technician (megújuló energetikai technikus)
  • Biomass Installation Technician (biomassza energetikai gépészeti szaktechnikus)


The training programmes currently in place are either vocational trainings or advanced trainings. Thus, the programmes address applicants with already accomplished vocational trainings in related fields or applicants with secondary school education.

Competent authority

The Professional Chambers (Hungarian Chamber of Engineers – MMK, Hungarian Chamber of Building Engineers – MÉGSZ, Association of Cooling and Climate Technology Companies – HKVSZ, etc.) are responsible for implementing the above listed vocational training programmes.

Further information

The National Labour Office provides further information on the different vocational training programmes:

The National Qualification Register is available (OKJ) here:

Information on the relevant vocational programme (in Hungarian):

Information on vocational training programmes provided by the Hungarian Solar Association:

Information on the LEONARDO Innovation Transfer Programme (in Hungarian):

Distribution of costs

Private Financing

According to the Hungarian Chamber of Building Engineers, these vocational trainings have to be financed privately or by the employer. 


Further information

  • Nemzeti Szakképzési és Felnőttképzési Hivatal (NIVE) – National Labour Agency. Professional and Adult Education Authority
  • +36 1 434 - 5700
  • NIVE website
  • szakkepzes(at)