Promotion in Greece


Updated: 17.01.2019

Author: Georgios Maroulis

Summary of support schemes

Quota. Law No. 3054/2002 obliges producers and distributors of petrol and diesel to blend their fuels with a certain amount ("quota") of biofuels. The mandatory quota is set by ministerial resolution and is reviewed every year (art. 15A par. 3 Law No. 3054/2002).

Tax regulation mechanism. The Development Llaw that came into force in July 2016 foresees support for biofuels. More specifically, an income tax relief and stabilization of income tax coefficient are provided, while they can be substituted with other support mechanisms, i.e. sSubsidy, under the Development Law.

Subsidies. The 2016 Development law that came into force in July 2016, foresees support for biofuels in a form of . More specifically, subsidies, leasing subsidies , and subsidies for the creation of new jobs are provided., while tThey can be substituted with other support mechanisms , i.e. tTax regulation mechanism, under the Development Law.


Only biofuels are supported.

Statutory provisions

  • Law No. 3054/2002 (Organisation of the Oil market and Miscellaneous Provisions) 
  • FEK B 67/2010 (Joint Ministerial Decision on the Definition of the maximum biodiesel percentage in blends) 
  • FEK B 253/2013 (Definition of biodiesel criteria, distribution methodology and settlement of any relevant legal question in accordance with Art. 15A Par. 7 Law No. 3054/2002) 
  • FEK B 1881/2017 (Call for Participation to the Distribution of 132,000 kilolitres of biodiesel in accordance with Art.15A Par.7 Law No.3054/2002 for 2014)
  • Law No.4399/2016 (Institutional framework for the establishment of Private Investment support scheme for environmental regional and economic development of the country – Establishment of the Development Council and other provisions (Development Law).


Further information

  • Υπουργείο Περιβάλλοντος και Ενέργειας - Ministry of Environment and Energy (YPEN- MEE)
  • +30 210 6965 902
  • Ministry website
  • Υπουργείο Οικονομικών - Ministry of Finance (YPOIK)
  • +30 210 337 5000
  • YPOIK website