RAE No. 1101/2017

Updated: 07.01.2019

Name (orig)

Απόφαση ΡΑΕ 1101/2017

Name (English)

Decision of Greek Regulative Authority for Energy on the Calculation of the Tax Authorised by Art. 143, P ar. 2c Law No. 4001/2011 for the calendar year 2018

Full name

Σχετικά με τις αριθμητικές τιμές των συντελεστών της μεθοδολογίας επιμερισμού του Ειδικού Τέλους του άρθρου 143 παρ. 2 περ. γ' του ν. 4001/2011, όπως ισχύει, για το ημερολογιακό έτος 2018

Entry into force



The resolution of the Greek Regulative Energy Authority (RAE) determines the rate of the special tax to promote renewable energy (Special Tax for the Reduction of Greenhouse Gases) for the calendar year 2018 and the criteria on which it is based

Relevance for renewable energy

It sets the rate of the special tax for renewable energy for the calendar year 2018


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