Grid issues in France


Updated: 07.02.2019

Author: Helena Vidalic

Provisions in detail

Summary of grid issues

Connection to the grid

In France, public distribution of heat is a competence of the local or regional authorities. In order to promote the use of renewable energies, territorial collectivities are entitled to classify heating networks located in their area, provided they are supplied with at least 50% of heat from renewable energy sources. New and renovated buildings located within a classified area are obliged to be connected to the heating network. 

The procedure of grid connection is at the same time also the procedure for grid development, since the construction of a plant must occur simultaneously with the construction (development) of the district heating grid.

Statutory provisions

  • Code de l´énergie (Code de l´énergie – Energy Code)
  • Décret du 23 mars 2012 (Décret n° 2012-394 du 23 mars 2012 relatif au classement des réseaux de chaleur et de froid - Order of 23 March 2012 on the classification of heating and cooling networks)


Further information

  • Ministère de la Tansition écologique et solidaire - Ministry of the Ecological and Inclusive Transition
  • +33 14 081 212 2
  • website
  • Portail de l’Economie et des Finances - Economy and Finance Portal
  • +33 140 04 04 04
  • Portal website
  • Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l‘Energie (ADEME) – Energy Agency
  • +33 241 204 120
  • ADEME website
  • Syndicat des Energies Renouvelables (SER) – Association for Renewable Energy
  • +33 148 780 560
  • SER website
  • Agence Nationale pour l´Habitat (ANAH) - National Agency for Housing
  • ANAH website