Policy in France


Updated: 07.02.2019

Author: Helena Vidalic

Summary of policies

  • In general there are two types of training programmes for installers of RES-systems: The association Qualit´EnR promotes quality installations in the field of solar thermal energy, georthermal energy, photovoltaic, biomass as well as heat pumps. The organisation Qualibat grants qualifications and certifications to professionals of the building trade, including installers of renewable energy plants.
  • The certification schemes for RES-Installations are the following: The quality label “Alliance Qualité Photovoltaïque” (AQPV) aims at promoting the marketing of photovoltaic panels produced in France with high quality standards. The label Flamme Verte certifies high quality wood-heating systems. Finally the certification label NF PAC grants certifications for heat pumps. 
  • As far as the exemplary role of public authorities is concerned, there is no programme of the French government promoting the development of a specific renewable energy technology in public buildings. However, the Grenelle Building Plan was established in order to reach the targets set by the Grenelle of Environment in all building sectors, including public buildings.
  • There is one Research, Development and Demonstration Programme: The “Investment for the Future” programm (Investissement d’avenir) supports demonstration projects in the field of environmental innovation. 
  • RES-H building obligation: The thermal regulation 2012 includes the mandatory use of renewable energies in order to reach energetic performance requirements in single-family house.
  • There are two support schemes for RES-H infrastructures: The Heat Fund (Fonds Chaleur) supports the production of heat through renewable energy plants as well as the use of district heating. Moreover, under certain conditions, the supply of heat through district heating networks can be subject to a reduced VAT of 5,5%.

Statutory provisions

  • CGI (Code général des impôts -  Tax Code)
  • Loi n° 2009-967 (Loi n° 2009-967 du 3 août 2009 de programmation relative à la mise en œuvre du Grenelle de l'environnement - Planning law of 3 August 2009 regarding the implementation of the “Grenelle de l´Environnement” Summit)
  • CCH (Code de la construction et de l'habitation - Construction and Housing Code)
  • BOI-TVA-LIQ-30-20-95-20140225 (TVA - Prestations imposables au taux réduit - Travaux d'amélioration de la qualité énergétique - Tax regulation  – Eligibility of refurbishment works improving  energy quality to the reduced VAT rate)
  • Arrêté du 26 octobre 2010 (Arrêté du 26 octobre 2010 relatif aux caractéristiques thermiques et aux exigences de performance énergétique des bâtiments nouveaux et des parties nouvelles de bâtiments - Decree of 26 October 2010 regarding the thermal characteristics and energetic performance requirements)
  • Décret du 21 décembre 2016 (Décret n° 2016-1821 du 21 décembre 2016 relatif aux constructions à énergie positive et à haute performance environnementale sous maîtrise d'ouvrage de l'Etat, de ses établissements publics ou des collectivités territoriales - Decree of 21 December 2016 regarding the positive-energy and high environmental performance standards of new buildings commissioned by public authorities)


Further information

  • Portail de l’Economie et des Finances - Economy and Finance Portal
  • +33 140 04 04 04
  • Portal website
  • Ministère de la Tansition écologique et solidaire - Ministry of the Ecological and Inclusive Transition
  • +33 14 081 212 2
  • website
  • Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l‘Energie (ADEME) – Energy Agency
  • +33 241 204 120
  • ADEME website
  • Syndicat des Energies Renouvelables (SER) – Association for Renewable Energy
  • +33 148 780 560
  • SER website
  • Commission de Régulation de l’Energie (CRE) – Energy regulatory authority
  • +33 144 504 100
  • CRE website
  • Gestionnaire du Réseau de Transport d’Electricité (RTE) – transmission grid operator
  • +33 1 79 24 80 00
  • RTE website
  • Electricité Réseau Distribution France (ERDF) – distribution grid operator
  • +33 1 56 65 11 11
  • ERDF website