Finland: Summary
Updated: 07.01.2019
Support schemes
In Finland, the main measure through which heat produced from RES is promoted, is a “heat bonus” allocated to CHP plants working on biogas and wood fuel. In addition to that, various investment supports are made available.
More about support schemesGrid issues
There is no specific law regulating heating and cooling. This also means that in the case of heating and cooling grid access, grid use and grid development obligations are not regulated by law. The approach is market orientated, meaning that different heat providers are in competition with each other. In Finland, the most common form of heating is district heating. District heating companies are supervised by general legislation like competition and consumer protection legislation and related authorities (Consumer Agency, Finnish Competition Authority and Energy Authority).
More about grid issuesPolicies
In Finland, state grants are made available to support research and development in the field of renewable energies. RES-H infrastructure development is supported through available investment subsidies. In other areas, such as the building sector and certification and training programmes, the development of specific regulatory measures is still in the process.
More about policies