Promotion in Estonia


Updated: 17.01.2019

Author: Lilian Pungas

Summary of support schemes

The investment support can be accorded for the promotion of renewable energy in child day care centres. Additionally, investment support is available for the owners of small residential houses and apartment buildings for renovation and to enhance the use of renewable energy.   

RES CHP plants are equally eligible for a premium tariff, where the producer receives a bonus on top of the market price, but here the support is allocated according to electricity produced.


Investment supports for private houses are available for the purchasing and installation of geo- and hydrothermal heat pumps. Investment supports for apartment buildings are made available to cover the costs of installing the necessary equipment for the use of RES plants. 

Statutory provisions

  • Investment eligibility conditions for the renovation of apartment buildings (Korterelamute rekonstrueerimise toetuse andmise tingimused RT I, 24.03.2015, 2)
  • Investment eligibility conditions for the promotion of renewable energy use and the renovation of heating systems in small residential buildings (Väikeelamute taastuvenergia kasutuselevõtu ja küttesüsteemide uuendamise toetuse kasutamise tingimused ja kord RT I, 25.11.2014, 24)
  • Investment eligibility conditions for the promotion of energy efficiency and renewable energy use in child day care buildings (Lasteaiahoonetes energiatõhususe ja taastuvenergia kasutuse edendamise toetuse kasutamise tingimused ja kord RT I, 17.01.2017, 9)


    Further information

    • Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium (MKM) – Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
    • Siim Meeliste
    • +372 625 63 42
    • MKM website
    • info(at)
    • Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskus (KIK) – Environmental Investment Centre
    • + 372 627 4125
    • KIK website