Promotion in Estonia


Updated: 17.01.2019

Author: Lilian Pungas

Summary of support schemes

  • Premium tariff. The operators of renewable energy systems may sell the electricity produced on the free market and receive a bonus on top of the market price. 
  • Tenders. The new amendment regulates that if the production capacity of existing production equipment is not sufficient enough to meet the goal of electricity production from the state's renewable energy source or through CHP plants, the government, on the proposal of the Ministry of Economics and Communication (MKM), arranges an underbidding to obtain additional production capacity. There will be two differentiated tenders (reverse auctions) announced by the MKM in 2019 and 2020, in order to attain the national objectives (17,6% RES-E in final consumption by 2020).


Support schemes are in general applicable to all renewable electricity generation technologies. 

Statutory provisions

  • ELTS (Elektrituruseadus RT I 2003, 25, 153 – Electricity Market Act)


Further information

  • Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium (MKM) – Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
  • Siim Meeliste
  • +372 625 63 42
  • MKM website
  • info(at)
  • Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskus (KIK) – Environmental Investment Centre
  • + 372 627 4125
  • KIK website