Promotion in Czech Republic


Updated: 10.01.2019

Author: Boris Valach

Summary of support schemes

  • Feed-in tariff. A feed-in tariff can only be granted to operators of RES plants with an installed capacity up to 100 kW (30 kW in case of rooftop or façade PV installations or 10 MW in case of hydro power plants). PV and biogas plants are only eligible if put into operation before 31 December 2013. Wind, hydro, geothermal or biomass plants up to 100 kW are eligible only if they were put into operation before 31 December 2015 and the building permit was issued before 2 October 2013. Responsible for the payment of the feed-in tariffs are the “mandatory purchasers” selected by the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MPO)
  • Green bonus. All producers of electricity from RES are entitled to select the premium tariff option. Operators of renewable energy plants receive this bonus in an annual or hourly mode on top of the regular market price of electricity. Operators generating renewable electricity to cover their own requirements only are also entitled to the payment of a bonus. PV and biogas plants are only eligible if put into operation before 31 December 2013. Wind, hydro, geothermal or biomass plants are eligible only if the building permit was issued before 2 October 2013.
  • Subsidies. Operators of small hydro power plants up to 10 MW may also receive subsidies under the Operational Programme “Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Competitiveness” 2014-2020 (OP PIK) which is funded by the ERDF. The detailed conditions for the subsidies are specified in the call for applications (Subsidy Programme “Renewable Energy Sources”). Additionally, the Operational Programme “Environment” 2014-2020 (OP ŽP) supports the installation of photovoltaic systems by the owners of public buildings.
  • Tax regulation mechanism. Operators of renewable energy sources generating electricity are exempt from real estate tax.


In general, all renewable electricity generation technologies are eligible for support.

Statutory provisions

  • Act No. 165/2012 (Zákon č. 165/2012 Sb. o podporovaných zdrojích energie – Act on Promoted Energy Sources)
  • Decree No. 296/2015 [(Vyhláška č. 296/2015 Sb. o technicko-ekonomických parametrech pro stanovení výkupních cen pro výrobu elektřiny a zelených bonusů na teplo a o stanovení doby životnosti výroben elektřiny a výroben tepla z obnovitelných zdrojů energie (vyhláška o technicko-ekonomických parametrech) – Decree on Technical and Economic Parameters for Determining the Feed-in Tariffs for Electricity Generation and Green Bonuses for Heat Production and Establishing the Life Cycle of Installations Producing Power and Heat from Renewable Energy Sources (Decree on Technical and Economic Parameters)]
  • Price Decision of the Energy Regulatory Office No. 3/2018 (Cenové rozhodnutí Energetického regulačního úřadu č. 3/2018 ze dne 25. září 2018 – Price Decision Establishing the Support of Renewable Energy Sources)
  • OP PIK (Operační program Podnikání a inovace pro konkurenceschopnost (OP PIK) 2014-2020 – Operational Programme “Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Competitiveness” 2014-2020)
  • OP ŽP (Operační program Životní prostředí (OP ŽP) 2014-2020 – Operational programme “Environment” 2014-2020)
  • MŽP Directive No. 6/2014 (Směrnice MŽP č. 6/2014 pro předkládání žádostí a o poskytování finančních prostředků pro projekty z Operačního programu Životní prostředí – Directive of the Ministry of the Environment No. 6/2014 on the Submission of Applications and the Allocation of Grants for Projects under the Operational Programme Environment)
  • Act No. 338/1992 (Zákon č. 338/1992 Sb. o dani z nemovitých věcí – Act No. 338/1992 Coll. on the Tax on Immovable Property)

                Czech Republic

                Further information

                • Státní fond životního prostředí České republiky (ŠFŽP ČR) - State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic
                • +420 267 994 300
                • SFZP website
                • dotazy(at)