Promotion in Croatia


Updated: 07.02.2019

Author: Stefan Ćetković

Summary of support schemes

  • HBOR-Loans. The loans granted for the implementation of RES-E projects are part of the “environmental protection” loan scheme by the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development (HBOR) in cooperation with commercial banks.
  • FZOEU-Incentives. The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (FZOEU) offers financial incentives (interest-free loans, subsidies, financial assistance, donations) for the use of renewable energy sources.
  • Premium tariff. RES-E plant operators, who have obtained the status of privileged producer and have won a public tender carried out by the Croatian Energy Market Operator, can receive a premium tariff in addition to the selling price, which was obtained on the electricity market.
  • Feed-in Tariff. Privileged producers owning RES installations, which do not exceed a capacity of 500 kW, can conclude a power selling contract at a guaranteed purchase price, if they have won a public tender carried out by the Croatian Energy Market Operator.


In general, all RES-E technologies are eligible for all incentive schemes.

Statutory provisions

  • Energy Act (Zakon o energiji)
  • RES Act (Zakon o obnovljivim izvorima energije i visokoučinkovitoj kogeneraciji - Act on Renewable Energy Sources and High-efficiency Cogeneration )
  • RES Promotion Decree (Uredba o poticanju proizvodnje električne energije iz obnovljivih izvora energije i visokoučinkovitih  kogeneracija - Decree on the promotion of electricity production from renewable energy sources and highly-efficient co-generations}
  • RES Fee Decree (Uredba o naknadi za poticanje proizvodnje električne energije iz obnovljivih izvora energije i kogeneracije - Decree on the Fees to Encourage the Production of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources and CHP)
  • HBOR Act (Zakon o hrvatskoj banci za obnovu i razvoj (Zakon o HBOR) - Act on the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development (HBOR))
  • HBOR Programme for Environmental Protection (Program kreditiranja projekata zaštite okoliša, energetske učinkovitosti i obnovljivih izvora energij - Loan Programme for Environmental Protection, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources)
  • Fund Act (Zakon o Fondu za zaštitu okoliša i energetsku učinkovitost - Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund Act) 
  • Fund Statute (Statut Fonda za zaštitu okoliša i energetsku učinkovitost - Statute of the Fund for the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency) 
  • Fund Decision Rulebook (Pravilnik o postupku objavljivanja natjecaja i odlučivanju o odabiru korisnika sredstava Fonda za zaštitu okoliša i energetsku učinkovitost - Rulebook on the Tendering Procedure and Decision-Making in the Selection of Beneficiaries of the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund) 
  • Fund Criteria Rulebook (Pravilnik o uvjetima i načinu dodjeljivanja sredstava Fonda za zaštitu okoliša i energetsku učinkovitost, te kriterijima i mjerilima za ocjenjivanje zahtjeva za dodjeljivanje sredstava Fonda - Rulebook on the conditions and manner of allocation of financial resources of the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund and the criteria and standards for the evaluation of applications for Fund incentives) 
  • Environmental Protection Act (Zakon o zaštiti okoliša)
  • Electricity Market Act (Zakon o tržištu električne energije)
  • State Support Programme for Environment (Programme for Awarding State Support for Environmental Protection for the period 2015-2017 - Program dodjele državnih potpora za zaštitu okoliša za razdoblje 2015-2017)


Further information

  • Centar za praćenje poslovanja energetskog sektora i investicija – Center for Monitoring Business Activities in the Energy Sector and Investments
  • +385 (0)1 64 30 600
  • CEI website
  • cei(at)