Connection to the grid | A RES-E producer must apply to the Croatian Grid Operator (HEP-OPS) for a new connection or reinforcement of an existing connection. Wind power plants must meet special requirements and technical specifications during the connection process. |
Use of the grid | The electricity transmission service within the Croatian power system is provided by the grid operator (HEP-OPS) to network users according to the agreements, which they sign with the grid operator. |
Grid development | The grid operator is obliged to present and implement a grid development programme. |
Statutory provisions | - Energy Act (Zakon o energiji)
- Electricity Market Act (Zakon o tržištu električne energije)
- Grid Code (Mrežna pravila elektroenergetskog sustava)
- Connection Fee Rulebook (Pravilnik o naknadi za priključenje na elektroenergetsku mrežu i za povećanje priključne snage - Rulebook on the Fees for the Connection to the Electricity Network and Capacity Increases)
- General Electricity Supply Conditions (Opći uvjeti za opskrbu električnom energijom - General Conditions for the Supply of Electric Energy)
- Criteria for the Registration of Wind Power Projects (Kriteriji za uvrštenje projekata vjetroelektrana na listu za priključenje na elektroenergetsku mrežu - Criteria for the Registration of Wind Power Projects on the List for Connection to the Grid)
- Procedural Rules for Wind Power Plants (Postupovnik izdavanja prethodne elektroenergetske suglasnosti za vjetroelektrane - Procedure for the Issue of Preliminary Authorisation for Wind Power Plants and General Agreements on the Connection of Wind Power Plants)
- Rules on Balancing the Electric Grid System (Pravila o uravnoteženju elektroenergetskog sustava)
- RES Act (Zakon o obnovljivim izvorima energije i visokoučinkovitoj kogeneraciji - Act on Renewable Energy Sources and High-efficiency Cogeneration )
- Conditions for Grid Use and Electricity Supply (Opći uvjeti za korištenje mreže i opskrbu električnom energijom)