Grid issues in Croatia


Updated: 07.02.2019

Author: Stefan Ćetković

Summary of grid issues

Connection to the grid

A RES-E producer must apply to the Croatian Grid Operator (HEP-OPS) for a new connection or reinforcement of an existing connection. Wind power plants must meet special requirements and technical specifications during the connection process. 

Use of the grid

The electricity transmission service within the Croatian power system is provided by the grid operator (HEP-OPS) to network users according to the agreements, which they sign with the grid operator.

Grid development

The grid operator is obliged to present and implement a grid development programme.

Statutory provisions

  • Energy Act (Zakon o energiji)
  • Electricity Market Act (Zakon o tržištu električne energije)
  • Grid Code (Mrežna pravila elektroenergetskog sustava)
  • Connection Fee Rulebook (Pravilnik o naknadi za priključenje na elektroenergetsku mrežu i za povećanje priključne snage - Rulebook on the Fees for the Connection to the Electricity Network and Capacity Increases)
  • General Electricity Supply Conditions (Opći uvjeti za opskrbu električnom energijom - General Conditions for the Supply of Electric Energy)
  • Criteria for the Registration of Wind Power Projects (Kriteriji za uvrštenje projekata vjetroelektrana na listu za priključenje na elektroenergetsku mrežu - Criteria for the Registration of Wind Power Projects on the List for Connection to the Grid)
  • Procedural Rules for Wind Power Plants (Postupovnik izdavanja prethodne elektroenergetske suglasnosti za vjetroelektrane - Procedure for the Issue of Preliminary Authorisation for Wind Power Plants and General Agreements on the Connection of Wind Power Plants)
  • Rules on Balancing the Electric Grid System (Pravila o uravnoteženju elektroenergetskog sustava)
  • RES Act (Zakon o obnovljivim izvorima energije i visokoučinkovitoj kogeneraciji - Act on Renewable Energy Sources and High-efficiency Cogeneration )
  • Conditions for Grid Use and Electricity Supply (Opći uvjeti za korištenje mreže i opskrbu električnom energijom)


Further information

  • Centar za praćenje poslovanja energetskog sektora i investicija – Center for Monitoring Business Activities in the Energy Sector and Investments
  • +385 (0)1 64 30 600
  • CEI website
  • cei(at)