Rulebook on certified RES installers - PV systems

Updated: 07.02.2019

Name (orig)

Pravilnik o uvjetima i mjerilima za utvrđivanje sustava kvalitete usluga i radova za certificiranje instalatera obnovljivih izvora energije - fotonaponskih sustava

Name (English)

Rulebook on conditions and criteria for establishing a quality system of services and works for the certification of installers of renewable energy sources - photovoltaic systems

Full name

Pravilnik o uvjetima i mjerilima za utvrđivanje sustava kvalitete usluga i radova za certificiranje instalatera obnovljivih izvora energije - fotonaponskih sustava (NN 056/15)

Entry into force



This Rulebook establishes a comprehensive certification system and training programme for installers of photovoltaic systems. It contains precise criteria for certificates as well as specifications regarding the content of the training programme.

Relevance for renewable energy

The Rulebook represents a transposition of parts of the Directive 2009/28/EC of the EP and the Council of 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (particularly Art. 14 and Annex IV) into national law.


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