Updated: 07.02.2019

Name (orig)

Zakon o obnovljivim izvorima energije i visokoučinkovitoj kogeneraciji

Name (English)

Act on Renewable Energy Sources and High-efficiency Cogeneration (Official Gazette, 100/15, 123/16, 111/18)

Full name

Zakon o obnovljivim izvorima energije i visokoučinkovitoj kogeneraciji (Narodne Novine, br. 100/15, 123/16, 111/18)

Entry into force


Last amended on



This Law governs the planning and the promotion of renewable energy sources. It introduces a support scheme for RES-electricity producers in the form of a premium tariff and a guaranteed feed-in tariff (for installations smaller than 500 kW). In order to qualify for government support, all renewable energy projects must win a bid in a public tender. The Llaw also provides the foundation for sub-statutory regulations and decrees, which contain specifying provisions on quotas and the support schemes.

Relevance for renewable energy

The Law represents the first comprehensive codification of provisions concerning the installation and promotion of renewable energy systems.


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