Bosnia and Herzegovina: Summary

Updated: 27.12.2018

Author: Ivana Naydenova

Support schemes

The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina promotes power production from renewable energy sources mainly through a feed-in tariff.

The Republic of Srpska promotes the power production from renewable energy sources mainly through a feed-in tariff.

More about support schemes

Grid issues

In the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the connection of power plants from renewable energy sources to the grid is mainly regulated by the general legislation on energy (Art. 28 § 1 RES Law FBiH). The grid operators generally provide non-discriminatory access to the grid and renewable energy producers are given priority to connect to the grid.

In the Republic of Srpska, the connection of power plants from renewable energy sources to the grid is basically regulated by the general legislation on energy (Electricity Law RS, RES Law RS) and General Conditions for Delivery and Supply of Electricity - cleaned text ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska" no. 90/12), Rule Book on Methodology for Determination of the Fee for Connection to the Distribution Network (Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska" no.123/08), Rule book on conditions for connection of the facilities to the electric distribution network of the Republic of Srpska. The grid operators generally provide non-discriminatory access to the grid and renewable energy producers are given priority to connect to the grid.

More about grid issues
Bosnia and Herzegovina