Wallonia: Subsidy (Primes Énergie)

Updated: 08.02.2019

Author: Stijn Anciaux

The Walloon Region provides several energy subsidies for the generation of heat from renewable energy plants. Since 1 April 2015, the energy subsidies have been modified.

Eligible technologies

The installation of heating plants through biomass, solar thermal energy (solar water heaters), shallow geothermal energy, aerothermal or hydrothermal heat pumps is eligible for the energy subsidies from 1 April 2015. 


The installation of biomass heating plants is eligible under certain conditions, including:

  • The plant shall be fully automated and shall meet the requirements of the European standard NBN EN 303-5 (Art.9, Arrêté du 30 avril 2015).
  • The plant shall have a thermal efficiency of > 85 % according to the NBN EN 303-5 standard (Art.9, Arrêté du 30 avril 2015).
  • The installation shall be fully undertaken by a registered installer (Art.9, Arrêté du 30 avril 2015).

Geothermal energy

The installation of heat pumps (shallow geothermal energy) can be supported under certain conditions regarding among others the coefficient of performance (COP) of the heat pump, the global thermal insulation level of the home or the registration of the installer. For an exhaustive description of the conditions, please refer to the annex of the decree implementing the subsidy scheme for energy saving investments (Annex Arrêté du 30 avril 2015): https://wallex.wallonie.be/PdfLoader.php?linkpdf=12707&mode=popup

Aerothermal energy

The installation of aerothermal heat pumps can be supported under certain conditions, including the coefficient of performance (COP) of the heat pump or the global thermal insulation level of the home. For an exhaustive description of the conditions, please refer to the annex of the decree implementing the subsidy scheme for energy saving investments (Annex Arrêté du 30 avril 2015): https://wallex.wallonie.be/PdfLoader.php?linkpdf=12707&mode=popup

Solar thermal energy

The installation of solar water heaters can be supported financially under certain conditions, including: 

  • The solar collectors shall comply with the requirements of the relevant European standards (Art.13, Arrêté du 30 avril 2015)
    • The installation includes solar collectors with an optical surface of at least 2m² (Art.13, Arrêté du 30 avril 2015)
    • The placement of the installation allows a solar fraction of at least 60% (Art.13, Arrêté du 30 avril 2015)
  • The installation shall meet several technical requirements concerning the minimum global performance level (Art.13, Arrêté du 30 avril 2015)
  • The solar water heater shall be installed by a registered installer (Art.13, Arrêté du 30 avril 2015)

More specific technical requirements can be found in the annex of the decree of 30 April 2015.

Hydrothermal energy

The installation of hydrothermal heat pumps can be supported under certain conditions, including the coefficient of performance (COP) of the heat pump or the global thermal insulation level of the home. For an exhaustive description of the conditions, please refer to the annex of the decree implementing the subsidy scheme for energy saving investments (Annex Arrêté du 30 avril 2015): https://wallex.wallonie.be/PdfLoader.php?linkpdf=12707&mode=popup


Subsidy amounts for the support scheme were modified starting from 1 March 2018. They can be found in the Brochure- Primes Energie & Rénovation: https://energie.wallonie.be/servlet/Repository/49861.pdf?ID=49861 Biomass: The subsidy amounts to € 1,750 for the installation of a fully automated biomass boiler in a dwelling. The amount of the subsidy for biomass heating plants cannot exceed 70 % of the total installation costs (VAT included) (Art.9, Arrêté du 30 avril 2015).
Aerothermal, hydrothermal and geothermal energy: The subsidy amounts to € 1,750 for the installation of a fully automated heat pump in a dwelling. The amount of the subsidy for heat pumps cannot exceed 70 % of the total installation costs (VAT included) (Art.10, Arrêté du 30 avril 2015).
Solar Thermal: The subsidy amounts to € 1,500 for the installation of a solar water heater in a dwelling. The amount of the subsidy for solar water heaters cannot exceed 70 % of the total installation costs (VAT included) (Art.13, Arrêté du 30 avril 2015).
It is possible to cumulate the subsidy with other means of financial support, as long as the total support does not exceed 7 % of the investment cost (Art. 8 Arrêté du 21 octobre 2010). Depending on the household income, the subsidy amounts can be multiplied by factor 1,5 – 2 – 3. (Brochure- Primes Energie & Rénovation).


All natural persons who are recorded in the register of the population or in the register of foreigners and who are the investment commissioners (Art.1, Arrêté du 26 mars 2015). 


Process flow

In order to apply for the subsidy, the applicant must send the form to the Walloon administration within 4 months following the date of the final installation invoice.

Competent authority

Public Service of Wallonia - Department of Energy and Sustainable Building (DG04).

Distribution of costs


The energy subsidies are directly financed by the budget of the Walloon region. 


Further information

  • Service Public de Wallonie (SPW) Direction Générale opérationnelle de l'Energie (DGO4) – Public Service of the Walloon region – Directorate General for Energy (DG04)
  • + 32 81 48 63 11
  • SPW website