Flanders: RD&D Policies
Updated: 08.02.2019
The Environment and Energy Technology Innovation Platform (Milieu-en energie technologie Innovatie Platform (MIP)) was created by a decision of the Flemish government in 2005. The platform is a cooperation of the policy domains Economy, Science and Innovation (Economie, Wetenschap en Innovatie (EWI)) and Environment, Nature and Energy (Leefmilieu, Natuur en Energie (LNE)). It brings together business, research and policy makers. MIP offers two kinds of funding programs: interdisciplinary cooperative research and feasibility studies. In the framework of the Program Environment-Innovation 3 (Programma Milieu-Innovatie 3) the Flemish government commissioned MIP, hosted since 2012 by I-Clean Tech Vlaanderen, to conduct specific research to develop sustainable technologies, products and services. At the moment, the projects under the MIP are divided in four categories: (1) recovery of materials and recycling; (2) reuse of energy, materials and water; (3) renewable energy and materials; and (4) new business models.