Wallonia: Subsidy (Aide à l'investissement)

Updated: 08.02.2019

Author: Stijn Anciaux

Within the bounds of its available budget, the Walloon Region provides investment assistance for companies that develop projects aiming at developing the sustainable use of energy, including investments in renewable energy plants.

Eligible technologies

Only investments in tangible and intangible assets are eligible. As far as renewable energy plants are concerned, equipment for biogas and biomass CHP plants, hydropower plants, and wind power plants are eligible. Some equipment is however subjected to acceptance of the Walloon Energy and Economy Administrations (Administrations de l´Energie et de l´Economie). 

Wind energy

Wind energy installations with an electrical power below 1 MW are eligible (Art.9 §2 Arrêté du 2 décembre 2004).


The production of heat and electricity through biogas CHP plants is eligible, except for plants with an electrical power less than 10 kW (Art.9 §2 Arrêté du 2 décembre 2004). 




Heat production through biomass heating plants as well as heat and electricity production through biomass CHP plants are eligible, except for the following investments (Art.9 §2 Arrêté du 2 décembre 2004):

  • CHP plants with an electrical power over 5 MW using solid biomass
  • Large company investments in CHP plants with an electrical power over 1 MW using solid biomass
  • Company investments in CHP plants using liquid biomass

Geothermal energy

According to the Directorate for investment programmes, the allocation of a subsidy for renewable energy installations using deep geothermal energy may be granted on a case-by-case basis.


The investment costs eligible for the investment assistance shall amount to at least € 25,000 (Art. 7 §3 Arrêté du 2 décembre 2004).
The subsidy is calculated on the basis of the additional costs borne by companies compared with the costs of conventional energy production plants with the same capacity. 
The amount of subsidy differs according to the company:
  • For small and medium companies: max 50 % of the investment costs can be supported. Moreover, the total amount of the subsidy cannot exceed € 1.5 million over 4 years (Art.9 §2 Arrêté du 2 décembre 2004). For large companies: max 20 % of the investment costs can be supported. 
However, if the company is located within a development zone, the amount can be increased by 5 % or 10 % according to the province (Art.9 §2 and 4 Arrêté du 2 décembre 2004).
As far as hydro-power is concerned, the subsidy is granted on a maximum investment amount of € 5,000 per kW for installations with a capacity over 100 kWp, whereas for installations with a capacity under 100 kWp, the subsidized investment ceiling is set at max € 9,000 per kW.


The entitled companies can be natural persons (shopkeepers, liberal professions), commercial companies as well as agricultural companies (Art. 4 Décret du 11 mars 2004).  


Process flow

A preliminary form shall be submitted before the beginning of the investments. The beginning of the investments corresponds to the date of the first invoice. After the administration has acknowledged receipt of the preliminary form, the company shall submit its application within the following 6 months.

Competent authority

Public Service of Wallonia - Department of Energy and Sustainable Building (DG04).

Flexibility mechanism

The investment assistance of the Walloon region can only be granted to companies having at least one operation office located in the Walloon region, and whose investment project is planned within the Walloon region (Art. 6 Décret du 11 mars 2004).

Distribution of costs


The energy subsidies are directly financed by the budget of the Walloon region.


Further information

  • Service Public de Wallonie (SPW) Direction Générale opérationnelle de l'Energie (DGO4) – Public Service of the Walloon region – Directorate General for Energy (DG04)
  • + 32 81 48 63 11
  • SPW website