Flanders: Net-Metering

Updated: 08.02.2019

Author: Stijn Anciaux

All renewable technologies with a maximum capacity of ≤10 kW are eligible for the net-metering scheme.

Eligible technologies

Installations with a maximum capacity of ≤10 kW are eligible for the net-metering scheme. Installations with a capacity >10 kW need to apply for a separate access point or meter to the grid operator. Moreover, operators of installation with a capacity of >10 kW are required to sign a contract with the balance responsible entity (for more information see grid access). Excess electricity produced by installations with a maximum capacity of ≤10 kW is injected into the grid and automatically deducted from the electricity consumed from the grid for example via a so called “terugdraaiende kWh-meter” (backward running kWh-meter) (Art. V.2.4.2 Technical Rules). However, if an installation injects more electricity than it has taken from the grid during a billing period, this amount is not financially reimbursed. According to information from the Flemish Regulator for Electricity and Gas (VREG), all renewable technologies are eligible.

Wind energy


Solar energy


Geothermal energy









Net-metering only applies to installations with a capacity ≤ 10 kW. There is no direct financial compensation for the injected electricity, but the financial equivalent of the injected kW is deducted from the overall electricity bill. However, if an installation feeds more electricity into the grid than it has taken from the grid during a billing period, this amount is not financially reimbursed. 


Installations of renewable energy with a capacity ≤10 kW.


Process flow

The distribution grid operator is required to adapt meters on his own costs (Art. V.2.4.2 §1 Technical Rules).

Competent authority

Distribution grid operator

Distribution of costs

Grid operator

The distribution grid operator is obliged to adapt meters (Art. V.2.4.2 §1 Technical Rules).


Further information

  • Vlaamse Regulator van de Elektriciteits- en Gasmarkt (VREG) – Flemish Electricity and Gas
  • +32 2 55 313 79
  • VREG website
  • info(at)vreg.be

Basic information on legal sources