Brussels: Subsidy (Aide à l'investissement)

Updated: 08.02.2019

Author: Stijn Anciaux

Within the bounds of its available budget, the Brussels-Capital provides investment assistance for companies that develop environmental projects, including investments in renewable energy plants.

Eligible technologies

Eligible are investments in photovoltaic installations for the production of electricity as well as biogas and biomass CHP and trigeneration plants for the production of heating, cooling and electricity (Art. 4 Arrêté du 2 avril 2009). The eligible investment amount also includes freight, installation and assembly charges (Art. 6 Arrêté du 2 avril 2009). Moreover, the eligible investment shall amount to at least € 7,500 and shall concern investments planned within the Brussels-Capital region (Art. 8-9 Arrêté du 2 avril 2009).

Solar energy

Investments in photovoltaic installations are eligible under the following conditions (Annex 2, Arrêté du 2 avril 2009):

  • Crystalline panels shall meet the requirements of the international standards IEC 61215 and have a minimum efficiency of 12 %
  • Thin-film PV panels shall meet the requirements of the international standards IEC 61646 and have a minimum efficiency of 7 %


Investments in biogas CHP and trigeneration plants are eligible under the following condition (Annex 2, Arrêté du 2 avril 2009):

  • The CO2 savings of the plant shall amount to at least 5 % compared with conventional installations producing separately heating cooling and electricity.


Investments in biomass CHP and trigeneration plants are eligible under the following condition (Annex 2, Arrêté du 2 avril 2009):

  • The CO2 savings of the plant shall amount to at least 5 % compared with conventional installations producing separately heating cooling and electricity.


The amount of the investment assistance depends on the size of the company (Art. 24 Arrêté du 2 avril 2009):
  • Micro and small enterprises: 40 % of the eligible costs 
  • Medium enterprises: 30 % of the eligible costs
  • Large enterprises: 20 % of the eligible costs
Moreover, the subsidy can be increased by 5 % if the company is certified Emas, ISO 14.000 or "eco-dynamic enterprise" (Art. 26 Arrêté du 2 avril 2009). 
The amount of the investment assistance cannot exceed € 80,000 per company and per calendar year (Art. 22 Arrêté du 2 avril 2009).


Industrial, commercial and service sector companies as well as companies of other sectors as listed in Art. 3 §1 Arrêté du 2 avril 2009 are entitled to the investment assistance.


Process flow

    • First of all, the entitled company shall submit a preliminary application form to the administration together with the necessary documents (Art. 30 Arrêté du 2 avril 2009)
    • The applicant shall submit a grant application within 120 days following the receipt of the validation of the preliminary application (Art. 31 Arrêté du 2 avril 2009)
    • The applicant shall submit its investment programme within 12 months following the allocation acceptation of the administration (Art. 32 Arrêté du 2 avril 2009)

    Competent authority

    The competent authority is the Economy and Employment Administration of the Brussels-Capital region (Administration de l'Economie et de l'Emploi du Ministère de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale) (Art. 1 Arrêté du 2 avril 2009)

    Distribution of costs


    The energy subsidies are directly financed by the budget of the Brussels-Capital region.


    Further information

    • Ministère de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, Administration de l'Economie et de l'Emploi (AEE) – Economy and Employment Administration of the Brussels-Capital region
    • +32 28 00 34 52
    • AEE website

    Basic information on legal sources