Wallonia: RD&D Policies (Avance récupérable en R&D et Aides à la recherche en énergie )
Updated: 08.02.2019
The Walloon region provides financial support to companies as well as to universities and research institutes willing to develop R&D projects. Companies set up in the Walloon Region can benefit from an advance amounting of up to 70% of their investment costs for projects of applied research or technological development (Art. 17, Décret du 3 juillet 2008). Universities and research institutes can benefit from calls for tenders published by the Department of Energy and Sustainable Building (DG04) and by the Department of Economy, Employment and Research (DG06) of the Public Service of Wallonia.
Moreover, the Walloon Energy Commission (CWAPE) has to undertake a yearly evaluation of the green certificates market as well as its previsions for the development of new installations within the next 5 years. Every three years the CWAPE has to deliver a detailed analysis of the technical and economic aspects of the several electricity sectors.