Grid issues in Austria


Updated: 18.12.2018

Author: Tim Sternkopf

Summary of grid issues

Connection to the grid

Plant operators are entitled against the grid operator to the conclusion of a contract on the connection of a power generation plant to the grid. The exact conditions are laid down in the implementing legislation of the federal states (Länder). Renewable energy plants are not given priority for the connection to the grid.

Use of the grid

Electricity from renewable sources must be given priority transmission when grid capacity is not sufficient to meet all requests for use of the grid. In general, entitlement to the use of the grid depends on the general legislation on energy and must be implemented so as not to discriminate against certain grid users.

Grid development

A grid user is entitled to the conclusion of a contract with the grid operator on the expansion of the grid, if this expansion is necessary to satisfy a claim for connection to the grid. The exact conditions are laid down in the implementing legislation of the individual Länder. 

Statutory provisions

• ElWOG (Bundesgesetz, mit dem die Organisation auf dem Gebiet der Elektrizitätswirtschaft neu geregelt wird - Federal Act providing new rules on the organisation of the electricity sector)

• SNE-VO 2012 (Verordnung der Regulierungskommission E-Control, mit der die Entgelte für die Systemnutzung bestimmt werden - Order of the E-Control commission on the calculation of charges for use of the grid)

• ÖSG 2012 (Ökostromgesetz - Bundesgesetz, mit dem Neuregelungen auf dem Gebiet der Elektrizitätserzeugung aus Erneuerbaren Energieträgern und auf dem Gebiet der Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung erlassen werden - Federal Act on the Support of Electricity Produced from Renewable Energy Sources and on Combined Heat and Power)


Further information